Our Annual Ingathering is a little different this year (like so many things in 2020-21!)  Come join the fun and make a difference in our neighbor’s lives on Sunday November 21, 11:30 am to ~1 pm as we use our ‘helping hands and loving hearts’ to assist our neighbors in need by collecting food donations at UUCP. If you feel comfortable, bring your bag lunch and stay for a Fellowship visit! You can also bring your groceries when you come to the UUCP services on Sunday Nov 7 or 14, if the Nov 21 time slot doesn’t fit your schedule.  If none of these time slots work for you, please contact Louise Senior to arrange an alternative appointment: socialjusticeuucp@gmail.com or DrLSenior@gmail.com. The need is great – there are more visits than ever before to the Arm in Arm pantry. Please see the list HERE of most-wanted food donations or the flyer in this newsletter.

I’d like to help more! What can I do? If you’d like to help out at one of the Trenton pantries, they always would appreciate it! Contact Volunteer Coordinator and Hanover Street Pantry Manager Shariq Marshall at shariqm@arminarm.org to find our how you can help (he’s a great guy!). Helpers all work distanced and masked, and some help is also needed outside during food distributions.

Questions? Contact Louise Senior, our congregation’s Arm in Arm coordinator, at DrLSenior@gmail.com or call/text her (609)240-6543.