Members, friends and visitors connect more deeply with our faith community by attending spirituality programs, small group programs, and communal events where we may walk together, talk together and eat together.

We actively minister to those experiencing special often difficult periods in their lives – loss, job change, health problems, disruptions – through our Pastoral Care Ministry.

Chalice Circles are part of our Small Group Ministry and offer a space and time to share deeply your journey and connect with the thoughts and spirits of your fellow congregants and friends. Chalice Circles form periodically and we will find one that fits your schedule.

Young Adults, ages 18 to 35, have a special ministry of their own – self lead and dynamic.

Women’s Alliance is a long-standing tradition in the Unitarian-Universalist Community where women work on issues central to women and children, and at the same time build bonds between each other. The Men’s Group, like the Women’s Alliance, meets to share a meal and strengthen community.

Through other ‘small groups’ – meditation circles, yoga, book groups, knitting circles, walking groups, dinner groups, spirituality groups, and more, we build a shared history.

Most groups are always open, attending even once can make you feel more connected.

Contact Us and Connect

We are eager to welcome newcomers to all these paths, so please stop by the Welcome Circle on Sunday morning for more information or call or email the Congregational Office and we will connect you. And of course, this is true for all our friends and members.