UU Princeton Prayer Circle

UU Princeton Prayer Circle

The UU Princeton Prayer Circle is a group of members and friends who have volunteered to hold in prayer someone who has asked for just that. The prayers take many forms:

  • A traditional prayer,
  • The lighting of a candle or candles,
  • Holding someone in your heart,
  • Meditating with someone in mind, and/or
  • Other forms.

How one prays is up to one who prays, and any form will be a part of this circle of love and concern. When people are struggling or celebrating in life, it means a lot to them to know that people care. Thank you to all who are a part of the Prayer Circle.


How to Ask for Prayers

It’s simple: email PrayerCircle@UUPrinceton.org  with your prayer request. That email will go to Rev.’s Bill and Jennifer, who will collect all the requests each week and send a weekly prayer request email to the members and friends in the Prayer Circle. Remembering confidentiality, particularly if the prayer involves someone else, please only include information in the email that you are comfortable being sent to many others. Some examples of different kinds of confidentiality include:

Please pray for my friend who is sick (anonymous)

This is Toni Smith. Please pray for my friend who is sick (semi-anonymous).

This is Toni Smith, please pray for my mom who is sick (not anonymous).

This is Toni Smith, please pray for my mom, Susan Jones, who is sick (not anonymous).

Different situations call for different kinds of confidentiality, but when in doubt, err on the side of anonymity. And if you’d like to discuss anything in confidence with just the ministers, please say that in the email and we’ll be in touch.


How to Join the Prayer Circle

That’s also simple: email PrayerCircle@UUPrinceton.org and we’ll lead you through the set up. There will also be occasional broadcast emails from the church asking for people to directly sign up to be in the Prayer circle. You’ll receive one email each week from either minister with the prayer requests. Please always feel free to contact either minister for assistance or with any questions, and thank you for being a part of our loving, caring community.


A Sample Prayer

For those who’ve requested prayer, known and unknown, 

May Love hold us, and faith guide, us in times of laughter and sorrow,

And may compassion and friendship guide us through every valley, 

To the ever-present field of peace and fellowship. Amen.