Universal Good: Social & Environmental Justice: A Festival at Murray Grove

Universal Good Festival at Murray Grove September 27-29, 2019

This is an exiting social and environmental justice event with fabulous speakers.

Registration is at  www.murraygrove.org

Eric Dobson – is the Outreach Coordinator for the Fair Share Housing Center, defending the rights of all New Jersey residents to decent and affordable housing. He will speak on the needs and the successes of fair housing efforts in New Jersey and how citizens can be advocates for this very basic human right.
Sam Daley-Harris –   founded the anti-poverty lobby RESULTS in 1980, co-founded the Microcredit Summit Campaign in 1995 with Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Muhammad Yunus and FINCA Founder John Hatch, and founded Civic Courage in 2012.     He will inspire attendees with the revelation of the power they wield as citizens to make the world more just.

Aly Tharp – is the Program Director for Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth.  As a member of the Tar Sands Blockade collective opposing the Keystone XL pipeline construction through Oklahoma and East Texas, Aly has been dedicated to community organizing and arts-activism for social and ecological justice ever since.  She will share her passion about the global climate crisis and how we can move collectively for climate and environmental justice.

Come for the weekend – or come for just Saturday – Be Inspired and Empowered!!!