Shaping Peace Together: Identifying Stereotypes and Microagressions in our Daily Lives

Presented by La Convivencia Youth Council

The event will include a review of racial microagressions and the dangers of stereotyping, followed by interactive group discussions on identifying and addressing covert racism.

For more details, or to sign up.

La Convivencia means: Co-Existence. From 711-1492 in Medieval Spain, all Muslims, Jews and Christians lived side by side in harmony and peace while making great advancements in architecture, arts, literature, science and philosophy. Hundreds of years before the European Enlightenment and Renaissance, La Convivencia was a period of time where diverse citizenry took seriously the notion of human rights, and social justice to their mutual benefit. The legacy of La Convivencia, ensuring stable communities mutually bound by co-existence in harmony, peace, and understanding…still evades us today.

Learn more about La Convivencia