Farmers and their Fields: An All-Ages Service

The story is of three diverse farmers who are good neighbors to each other, and its re-telling reminds us of how simple, profound, and important good neighbors are in today’s world. As a worshipping community of all ages, let’s imagine how we can be better neighbors, and how can that lead to harvests of abundance. This is our annual Gather and Give Sunday where we collect food to stock the pantries of Arm in Arm, formerly Crisis Ministry of Mercer County. Please bring non-perishable food items to worship as we join together in providing food for hungry people in our communities.

Worship Leader: Revs. Jennifer Kelleher & Bill Neely; Pauline Nijander,

Ministerial Intern Worship Associate: Lauren Foss

Music: Adult Choir; Kids’ Chorale; Nick Tiberi, piano; Marjorie Herman