Host a Sunday Brunch

Reserve your Date Now!

Sunday Brunches are a wonderful way for your group to minister to the congregation with food and also to earn money for a cause. These brunches do not have to be fancy or much work. The congregation is very grateful to have bagels and soup available.
Some groups like to put on fancy brunches, but others like to keep it simple. All is appreciated. They usually consist of bagels, maybe an egg dish, soups, and some desserts. Most food is donated, but if one person brings a lot, they should request reimbursement through the office. The group can set prices or request donations.
The money can be used as your group wishes. The music groups have bought new bells, the youth pick a charity of their choice to donate to, Women’s Alliance funds their annual donations…… Please remember: all incoming and outgoing funds must flow through the UU Princeton office.
Sign up now so your group gets the date of their choice! You can email Carolyn Hoeschele or use the Sign-up Genius on the website to reserve a date.