Annual Giving Drive

Annual Giving Drive


Thank you to the almost 100 hundred households who have pledged just over $400,000 to our congregation next year! This is a great start, but we still have a way to go before we reach our goal of $600,000. We’re asking every member and friend of the UU Princeton community to make as generous of a 2020-2021 Annual Pledge as possible. Now more than ever, we need to be able to depend on the vision, connections, and support of our religious community. Please make your pledge today,

By Mail using the Pledge Card that was sent to you in the mail

By email, send your email pledge to

By Phone: Call Sara @609 924-1604 x110 and give her your pledge over the phone

On Line by going to:

And thank you for your support!


Thank you to our Connection Callers!

A HUGE thank you to the 25+ volunteers who have volunteered to contact every member, friend, and active visitor household in our community during this time of isolation. If you haven’t been contacted yet, you will be! They’ll just be checking in to ease the sense of isolation many of us are experiencing. And extra thanks to Meg Cox, Jeanne DeVoe, Ted Fetter, Lauren Foss, and Judy Malsbury for coming up with and developing this pastoral outreach. What a team!