image-cuupsCovenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPS, an Evergreen Chapter) is an organization chartered by the Unitarian Universalist Association in 1987 to practice and share Earth-centered traditions within the larger denomination. An important purpose of CUUPS is to build bridges between 21st-century pagans and people who embrace other religious traditions. Another is to celebrate the “interdependent web of all existence” as recognized in the Seventh Principle of Unitarian Universalism.

Here at the congregation, we help design Sunday morning services at the “cross-quarter days,” that is, the mid-points of the seasons: Imbolc in early February, Beltane at the first of May, Lammas in early August, and Samhain on or near October 31.

Full Moon Circles occur on the Friday evening nearest (or, occasionally, next nearest) the full moon each month. Members of CUUPS and other Earth-based spiritual groups join in evening celebrations on each equinox and solstice. All these events are family friendly and open to all, pagan or not.
Details: Monthly and quarterly – starting at 7:00 pm