Considering Membership in UU Princeton

Considering Membership in UU Princeton?

People who are getting to know UU Princeton often ask what it means to be a member of the congregation, as well as how someone actually joins. The first question has many answers. The answer to the second is pretty simple.

Most people join UU Princeton because they wish to deepen their involvement with the congregation. They want to strengthen their sense of community here. They’ve witnessed, felt, or contributed to the good works of our congregation in the world, and they want to be a part of creating the congregation that makes those ministries possible. Whether it’s educating our young people with liberal religious values, serving neighbors and strangers with our time and care, speaking for justice and compassion in the world, becoming refreshed and recharged by beautiful worship, or creating any of our other programs and ministries at UU Princeton, members make everything here possible. Many people who join UU Princeton find that membership strengthens their sense of place here, as well as the power and promise of our ministries everywhere.

Joining UU Princeton is relatively simple. Once someone is familiar with the congregation, either through our formal New Member programs or through general familiarity with the congregation, just contact Rev. Bill to find a time to sign the Membership book. This often happens before or after worship on a Sunday, and only takes a few minutes. Soon after, you’ll be invited to make a financial pledge to the congregation. The amount of the pledge is completely up to each member and should reflect the new member’s financial realities. Every pledge, of every level, is welcomed and appreciated, and a waiver is available for those whose circumstances make a financial pledge of any amount a hardship.

Please contact Rev. Bill  if you’re interested in Membership or have any questions at all about what it means to join UU Princeton. We welcome into membership all who believe in our Mission to be an “open and welcoming community that lives our message of hope, love, justice, and joy,” and we celebrate each new member as someone who strengthens our ability to be a liberal, loving faith community in a world that needs our presence, now more than ever.