We support our mission and congregation in four ways. We support it with our presence. We support it with our work. We support it with our spirits by bringing loving hearts and open minds to the community. And, we support it with our money, financial stewardship

Give Now

You can donate at any time to our congregation using the Give Now button on the home page, or using the Quick Give button to the right on most pages, including this one. (As of August 2021, we are using the Vanco Payment Systems web app to process donations.)

Give Now

Annual Giving –  Stewards of Our Congregation

Every year we ask congregants and friends to make an annual pledge to the congregation. From the pledges we create our budget. We pay our minister and staff, heat the building, fund programs, hire babysitters for the nursery, buy supplies for religious education, pay the water bill. All the things that you can imagine it takes to have staff, a building, a community. By pledging annually, we are stewards of our congregation.

Capital Campaign

We also have run a special campaign to renovate and expand our building. This capital campaign is largely completed and you will soon seen wonderful improvements – including more handicap accessibility, enlarged spaces, and more.

Planned Giving

There is a special kind of giving that involves gifts from estates and inheritances. We have been developing policies to encourage such generosity and commitment to our mission and long-term future.